Love, love, love this time of year! One of my favorite traditions is trading fun questions my best horror mate, Michael Shinfelt. You can catch my interview on his blog here.
ME: Seems like Hollywood has been doing a lot of remakes/reboots. What is your fave horror remake/reboot? What classic horror movie/series do you think they should leave alone? MS: I actually had to Google this subject because to my knowledge I had never seen any, and the one I know I saw with my then boyfriend on cable of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" was terrible. So on my Google list was "John Carpenter's The Thing" way better than the original. Even though it didn't scare me, it was tense. The horror movie series they should leave alone? Too late Hollywood has bastardized them all!
Ew. Nasty. Get the bug spray!
ME: If you find yourself surrounded by zombies, what horror legend would you want at your side?
MS: I would love to say Dracula,, because like you, vampires are my favorite. But what good would blood sucking do me with Zombies? I will go with the Wolfman, because he has sharp claws and I'm sure he could behead a few of those mothers!
ME: What famously haunted location would you want to spend the night at, and who would you take?
MS: The Amityville Horror house. I would take my friend Karen Castrischer. We would laugh ourselves to death before anything in there could scare us there. 
Definitely on my list
ME: Have you ever tried to contact the spirit world with a Ouija board? Did it work?
MS: Wow! How perceptive. Me and some friends did in the preteen years. Did it work? I know my imagination was the culprit that brought those spirits on.
ME: What's your most extreme paranormal experience?
MS: Define extreme? lol! I believe my father and my grandmother each visited me one time since their passing.
ME: How far would you go to impress your horror crush?
MS: I would scour the earth find Dracula an age appropriate (legal) female virgin. Impressive, I know. Dracula if you are reading this call on me.
ME: Would you rather see Freddy in your dreams or Norman Bates at a motel?
Think I'll stay at the Holiday Inn, thanks
Good call on the wrinkle free material
ME: What was your best ever Halloween costume?
MS: When I was a kid I was a witch. Yes, I was obsessed with them as a child. Still am actually.
ME: What are your absolute must haves for Halloween?
MS: A turban and some make-up.My thanks again to Michael Shinafelt for giving me one more thing to look forward to in October. Be sure to check out his other blog posts as well!